We repair and service a wide variety of home appliances, including Washing Machines, TVs, Microwave Ovens, ACs, refrigerators, and Dishwashers. with 21+ Years Of Experience, We repair and Service all Proper Brandes in the market.

Yes, we offer a 30 days service warranty on all of our repairs. and also additional warry on spare parts we replace, The length of the warranty varies depending on the type of repair and the parts we used.

Yes, with a warranty we use only high-quality genuine spare parts for all our repair services. We understand that using genuine parts is critical for ensuring the longevity of the repair and the optimal functioning of the washing machine. Our team sources genuine parts from trusted suppliers and manufacturers to ensure that your washing machine is repaired using the best quality parts available in the market.

We are trained Certified technicians with 21 Years of experience, We always deliver our services at par with prevailing industry standards with qualified professionals. This helps us to ensure 100% reliable washing machine repair solutions and gain customers’ trust. Customer Satisfaction is Our Top Priority !

The length of a repair depends on the complexity of the issue and the availability of parts. Generally, we strive to complete repairs as quickly as possible while still ensuring that the job is done correctly. We will provide you with an estimated timeline for the repair when you schedule your appointment.

Yes, we offer emergency repair services for urgent issues that cannot wait until our regular business hours. Please contact us immediately if you require emergency repair services.

Yes, we have a customer support helpline available during business hours from ( 8 AM to 9 PM ) to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about our repair services. Our friendly representatives are always happy to help.